The AtomicJar team
Monthly Roundup

Testcontainers July Roundup

AUTHOR: The AtomicJar team

Hey there! It's time for our July Testcontainers newsletter. This month, we have amazing product updates for you! We released the Testcontainers Desktop application , which has a number of features that are useful for local development with Testcontainers. For example, it allows you to proxy any service to a fixed port and inspect it with your favorite debugging tools. You can even freeze a service to prevent its shutdown for easy debugging. Find out more about these and other amazing features, along with Testcontainers OSS news and our community events in this roundup.

New in the Testcontainers Desktop app

Set fixed ports to easily debug development services

You can now configure the Testcontainers desktop app to proxy running services to a fixed port on your machine, making it easy to debug Testcontainers-based services with your local tools. Read more...

Enable reusable containers with a single click

By keeping containers running and allowing multiple tests to "reuse" the same container, it's possible to shave off container start times. Read more...

Freeze containers to prevent their shutdown while you debug

With the Testcontainers desktop app, you can now "freeze" containers to prevent their shutdown so that you can debug them. Read more...

Switch container runtimes and burst to the cloud

With the Testcontainers desktop app, you can now easily switch between your local container runtimes for all your Testcontainers-powered dependencies. Read more...

Testcontainers OSS News


Testing REST API integrations using WireMock

Learn how you can test REST API integrations using WireMock, follow this guide to build and test a sample Spring Boot project which talks to an external REST API.


Testing Applications against Oracle Databases with Testcontainers: 3 Ways to Initialize Data

In this hands-on tutorial, you’ll learn three different methods for initializing data in an Oracle database using Testcontainers, including the pros, cons, and use cases of each. 

Simplifying Node.js/Typescript Application Testing by Using Testcontainers

Simplifying Typescript Application Testing by Using Testcontainers. You will learn how Testcontainers can be leveraged with TypeScript to create a simple application with integration tests that run in real Docker containers created by your tests. You will also see how this can be used to test your application against different databases, such as MySQL and PostgreSQL.


Testcontainers-node 9.12.0 brings automatic fallback to docker-compose v2, supports copying directories to a started container, and also, there is a new HiveMQ module added.

Community Events

Meet us at SpringOne at VMware Explore

In August the AtomicJar team will be at Spring One @ VMware Explore; if you are attending or just in the area, consider joining us at the expo floor or catching our session about Testcontainers.

Database masking and generation with Ivan Ponomarev

Our guest, Ivan Ponomarev, is a university lecturer and a software developer at Synthesized. He shared how you can easily generate synthetic but realistic data for your tests with Synthesized TDK. We discussed why it could be difficult to get relational data for testing and what does Synthesized do to help with it. Watch now

Functional tests for Terraform providers with Ricardo Ferreira

Our guest, Ricardo Ferreira from AWS, shared how to write functional tests for a Terraform provider that requires the OpenSearch database as a dependency. He explained the peculiarities of testing providers, the support for tests available in the Terraform plugin framework, and how to programmatically add OpenSearch into the tests using Testcontainers for Go. Watch now

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